The Schroth method made the pages of the NY Times in May, 2014.  I learned this method to help my adolescent daughter with scoliosis in 2002, then officially introduced the effective technique for treating scoliosis to the U.S. in 2007 after becoming the first American practitioner to be certified in Germany. This article has been a long time coming. I was interviewed at length months ago by the author, Rachel Peachman, as was Dr. Weiss. Unfortunately, our insights did not make the final article. They do include links to two of Dr. Weiss’s studies though. His work is what our program is based on.

The Schroth method is a nuanced technique, so hopefully, there will be a more comprehensive follow-up article. The newest evolution of the Schroth method from Dr. Weiss is Schroth® Best Practice. The additions, modifications, and updates to the technique make it easier to learn and incorporate throughout the day. These changes are important because they can impact a patient’s final outcome after learning and practicing the method. These include Physio-logic® exercises, ADL training, and the easy 3-D Made Easy exercises which are a combination of ADL postures merged with Schroth exercises. We also use the original Schroth exercises. Our comprehensive five-part program is highly effective and the results of some of our patients can be seen here. These patients all learned Schroth Best Practice! When learned the new way, the exercises build upon one another. Repetition helps improve understanding. These new Schroth updates provide an advantage because they allow for the unloading of the patient’s spine throughout the day, not just while performing the Schroth exercises and rotational breathing.

There are a limited number of U.S. trained Schroth Best Practice providers. We have three here at Scoliosis 3DC® and the others have all been trained here by Dr. Moramarco and Amy Heller OTR/L. These newest Schroth techniques are easy to learn, based on original Schroth, which is also incorporated when necessary. This newest version comes directly from the Schroth family and allows for streamlined learning. All techniques are evidence-based and offered as part of our intensive programs.

The good news is that as a result of this article more parents of adolescents with scoliosis, and adults, will now be more likely to be aware of the importance of Schroth based education. Over the past decade many, many parents of kids with moderate and severe curves and adults with scoliosis have stated to us, “I only wish I knew about this sooner, why didn’t my doctor tell me?” With the well-deserved media attention, hopefully, adults will be able to obtain instruction and parents of adolescents can seek help in a timely manner. When scoliosis occurs in a growing child, time is very often of the essence! We’ve worked to raise awareness for the last decade and train other practitioners. Parents need to know that watch and wait is a tactic of the past which can result in unneeded progression.

There is no better voice than parents and patients. If you have the inclination and have experience with Schroth, please log in to today’s NY Times, or the authors: blog and provide your comments and experience.

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Rotation and symmetry has improved significantly…

We identified Dr. Marc Moramarco in Boston is THE expert in this field!…Dr. Marc’s expertise and his passion to patients along with the entire team of the friendly staff, especially Amy and Kim…My daughter’s rotation and symmetry has improved significantly, and we know our daughter is in good hands… would highly recommend him! Read More

Work Throughout the Day Without Pain

“It really makes a difference with how I feel. I don’t have severe pain or tingling in my right shoulder blade anymore. I can work throughout the day without pain, and I’m sleeping better!” Read More

Thrilled with Schroth exercises!

“We were so thrilled by this news! We have been doing the Schroth exercises nightly. O is even more motivated to continue with the exercises in the future now!” Read More