Yoga and scoliosis – should scoliosis patients do yoga? Over the years, yoga has been branded as a methodology and popular trend for scoliosis management and treatment. Today, yoga and scoliosis are commonly and positively associated with each other. At first glance it would make sense that stretching and strengthening could have a positive impact… Read More
We get many questions from parents and kids about scoliosis and sports. Each case of scoliosis is unique and must be considered individually but in this post we will try and overview a few things to be aware of. In general, we wholeheartedly encourage athletic participation and participation in gym class for kids with scoliosis… Read More
Yoga for scoliosis is a popular trend but many poses can cause long-term problems when performed properly, or improperly. Christa Lehnert-Schroth, PT shared Dr. Marc’s concerns and the two had discussed the harms of yoga for scoliosis at length on more than one occasion. Our stance on yoga is unpopular with some and in direct… Read More
Many with scoliosis love running, but for some individuals running with scoliosis can present an issue. B. is an adolescent girl with scoliosis who came from Louisiana to Boston for our Schroth Method program. B has a moderate curve, a 29º Cobb angle, and does not wear a scoliosis brace. She was experiencing pain when… Read More
No one hates exercise more than I do. It’s a constant struggle. Thank goodness for an occasional sunny day and friends to walk with, or exercise might not happen for me. This morning, an unusually beautiful one for December in New England, I was panting my way around the local track, and for some reason… Read More
We have been involved in Schroth exercise for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis since 2002. The following post summarizes an important study on Schroth exercise that was published a few years back. This valuable study, entitled, ‘The efficacy of Schroth’s 3-dimensional exercise therapy in the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis in Turkey’ is authored by Saadet Otman,… Read More
Does the Schroth Method Guarantee Results? This blog post was prompted one day when we noticed that someone had performed a Google search, does the Schroth method guarantee results? The short answer is, obviously, no. Here at Scoliosis 3DC® we never guarantee results, nor should anyone else, especially when it comes to scoliosis. After years… Read More
In a recent NSF forum, someone queried what a scoliosis patient might do to breathe easier. The Schroth Method breathing exercises for scoliosis can help patients improve respiratory function. In my clinical experience, patients with thoracic curves, whether adolescent or adult, have experienced improved pulmonary function after incorporating Schroth scoliosis exercises into daily life. Last… Read More