• 47-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angles 44º/55º
  • Risser 5

Treating scoliosis in adulthood can present a variety of challenges. We discourage adults from expecting to improve scoliosis. That said, our patient EG is an adult diagnosed with scoliosis in adolescence who was searching for a way to manage scoliosis proactively. She participated in Schroth instruction sporadically over a few months time.

Her initial x-ray, left, showing Cobb angles of 44° thoracic and 55º lumbar (the hospital radiologist reported a 60º lumbar Cobb angle). EG reported a practice schedule of four times per week and was re-x-rayed one year later at her annual orthopedic visit at a Boston hospital. That image, right demonstrated Cobb angles of 39º thoracic and 43° lumbar. Her orthopedic doctor was amazed and asked what she had been doing differently. When she told him the Schroth method, he said he had never heard of it. (Note – At that time we did not offer scoliosis bracing for adults).

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Forever Grateful…Amazing Community

“Our family couldn’t say enough positive words to describe our experience and the knowledge of everyone at Scoliosis3DC. This is one of the few examples that I have had the privilege of being a part of in my life where everyone in the office contributes to the excellence of the result.” Read More

Flexibility & Confidence

“My son was so sad to leave them after a week and is already anxious to return!! The brace and therapy have already helped tremendously with my sons flexibility and confidence.” Read More

True Reduction in Her Curves

“Needless to say, [the surgeon] was very pleasantly surprised to see a true reduction in her curves. When I thanked him for being supportive even though we went against his [watch & wait] advice he responded, ‘You can’t argue with those results.’” Read More