A Scoliometer™ is an instrument that measures trunk asymmetry in scoliosis, or angle of trunk rotation (ATR). It is a small, non-invasive device (essentially a mini-level) that is placed over the spine while a person is in a forward bending position. The Scoliometer™ reading indicates the degree of trunk asymmetry (rotation). Research shows that most… Read More
This week is the ten year anniversary of the day our family was jolted into the world of scoliosis. I remember it as if it were yesterday, including the sick feeling of helplessness. As many parents know, receiving a diagnosis that has the potential to alter your child’s well being can shake your world, and… Read More
Cobb angle is the “universal standard” of measurement used to quantify a scoliosis for the purpose of measuring curve progression over time. Evaluating scoliosis via Cobb angle is important since it is often the first objective indicator. A curve is considered to be scoliosis at a Cobb angle of 10º or more. Any increase greater… Read More
Spinal flexibility and scoliosis is a topic that is rarely covered online. When it comes to scoliosis and spinal flexibility, it is usually in regard to its impact on the expected outcome of a scoliosis surgery. Spinal flexibility is determined by multiple lateral bending x-rays. X-rays are often taken preoperatively with the patient lying in… Read More
Does the Schroth Method Guarantee Results? This blog post was prompted one day when we noticed that someone had performed a Google search, does the Schroth method guarantee results? The short answer is, obviously, no. Here at Scoliosis 3DC® we never guarantee results, nor should anyone else, especially when it comes to scoliosis. After years… Read More
Yesterday, we received an inquiry regarding the Schroth Method that I couldn’t get off my mind all evening. We get a lot of emails, but this one in particular really struck me – maybe because it came directly from a 15-year-old discussing her feelings about surgery for AIS. The girl, I., was from Chile. She… Read More
This weekend I traveled to Washington DC, to meet and work with a man I respect very much, Axel Hennes. Axel Hennes is the senior physiotherapist at the Asklepios Katharina Schroth Clinic in Germany. He has twenty years of hands-on experience treating Schroth patients. It is always fascinating and inspirational to work alongside Axel because… Read More
Exciting News- It has been a busy summer in Boston and we’ve made a lot of new friends in our journey to share what we have discovered with others. Things do not seem to be winding down, and instead of kicking back this Labor Day weekend, we are continuing our efforts to raise scoliosis awareness… Read More
Recently, study results were released from Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children regarding the Boston Brace for scoliosis and its efficacy. Adolescent curves of 25º to 45º at the time the study began were followed over the course of a year. Patients wore braces equipped with heat sensors to measure hours of wear. The results:… Read More
Yesterday, we got another happy call from a family whose daughter has been helped after our Schroth method program. Her father called and told us his sixteen-year-old was quite motivated with her scoliosis reduction after learning the Schroth method. We are quite pleased with her result because she worked especially hard. Not only that, before coming… Read More