Here at Scoliosis 3DC® (3DC stands for three-dimensional correction), successful conservative management of scoliosis includes exercises for the sagittal plane. From the onset, our program has integrated sagittal plane exercises on the basis that sagittal plane instability may be a contributing cause of scoliosis. Sagittal plane exercises are used so patients learn to work toward… Read More
What is idiopathic scoliosis? Idiopathic scoliosis (IS) is a complex 3-dimensional condition of the spine and trunk. Although many consider scoliosis to be a single spinal curve, the 3-dimensionality means that not only does the spine bend laterally but also rotates/twists in the transverse plane and may be flattened when viewed from the side. Patients… Read More
This weekend I traveled to Washington DC, to meet and work with a man I respect very much, Axel Hennes. Axel Hennes is the senior physiotherapist at the Asklepios Katharina Schroth Clinic in Germany. He has twenty years of hands-on experience treating Schroth patients. It is always fascinating and inspirational to work alongside Axel because… Read More