Continuing with our Risser theme, today we’ll highlight Risser 1. At the Risser 1 stage of growth, a pelvic x-ray will show up to 25% ossification, or “capping” at the top of the iliac crest apophysis from lateral to medial (outside to inside). Girls typically reach Risser 1 just after menses occurs, however, that’s not a… Read More
Risser sign is one indicator that should be considered during the management of scoliosis. Risser 0 is the first Risser stage when ossification of the epiphyseal plate over the iliac crest has not yet begun. In simpler terms, new bone has not yet started forming at the top of the pelvis – indicating significant remaining growth…. Read More
In 1958, Joseph C. Risser, published his findings on growth and the completion of growth in a paper entitled, “The Iliac Apophysis: An Invaluable Sign in the Management of Scoliosis.” His findings led to the Risser sign classification system used to assess skeletal maturity. While Risser sign is still used today by doctors to estimate… Read More
We just returned from Leipzig, Germany where Dr. Marc gave a presentation at OTWorld – a world congress and leading international trade fair for specialists in prosthetics, orthotics, and orthopedic rehabilitation. His presentation (last Friday) was part of a symposium on scoliosis chaired by Josef Lammert and Dr. Franz Landauer of Germany. Dr. Marc’s presentation… Read More
When a child is newly diagnosed with AIS, it’s only natural for parents to wonder about the long term effects of scoliosis. Having that background is helpful when it comes to deciding on scoliosis treatment during the adolescent years and beyond. It’s impossible for anyone to tell you with certainty what long term effects of… Read More
Parents and our braced patients are always searching for the best shirt to wear under a scoliosis brace. We offer our patients extensive instructions regarding scoliosis bracing, and the brace undershirt is no exception. However, we find that moms (and dads) usually want to be prepared and have a shirt or two with them when… Read More
We (Dr. Marc & Kathy) just concluded a busy week of travel related to scoliosis bracing in California and Hawaii. Dr. Marc spent three full days seeing patients in the Los Angeles area. He did initial evaluations, and fitted and adjusted many braces. Several patients came from as far as Colorado, Utah, San Francisco, Orange… Read More
Since introducing the Cheneau-Gensingen brace in North America, it’s been our privilege to have played a role in helping adolescents with scoliosis halt progression and/or reverse curvature to some extent. We are primarily a patient-centered practice. However, we are also committed to expanding the network of professionals seeking knowledge of Cheneau and Schroth method protocols. Asymmetric 3D bracing… Read More
Custom Scoliosis Bracing Available at Scoliosis 3DC® Recently, one of our star patients and her family revisited us from Ontario, Canada. This time it was our patient’s younger sister who required scoliosis bracing. The girls’ mom had been vigilant about watching her youngest daughter’s spine for signs of scoliosis too. This time, Dr. Moramarco recommended Gensingen nighttime scoliosis brace…. Read More
It’s been a busy fall here at Scoliosis 3DC®. In addition to the normal patient load and fitting many scoliosis braces, Dr. Moramarco and Amy Heller, OTR/L also took a few days break from patients to hold a Schroth course to train the next generation of Schroth Best Practice therapists. Practitioners attending the training included… Read More