Our website alludes to the early obstacles we encountered when our daughter was first diagnosed with scoliosis. We took her, immediately, to a group of prominent orthopedic surgeons at a highly regarded Boston hospital. They recommended the SpineCor brace from Ste. Justine’s hospital in Canada – the subject of a recent exposé in Canada. The Spinecor brace… Read More
We had a recent inquiry about the commonly accepted threshold of 45º – 50º for scoliosis surgery and our thoughts on the subject. It’s a topic we could discuss at length, but here’s a basic answer and some additional information to contemplate. From what we can ascertain, the 45º – 50º Cobb angle is an arbitrary number surgeons… Read More
Yoga for scoliosis is a popular trend but many poses can cause long-term problems when performed properly, or improperly. Christa Lehnert-Schroth, PT shared Dr. Marc’s concerns and the two had discussed the harms of yoga for scoliosis at length on more than one occasion. Our stance on yoga is unpopular with some and in direct… Read More
Many with scoliosis love running, but for some individuals running with scoliosis can present an issue. B. is an adolescent girl with scoliosis who came from Louisiana to Boston for our Schroth Method program. B has a moderate curve, a 29º Cobb angle, and does not wear a scoliosis brace. She was experiencing pain when… Read More
We live conservative treatment of scoliosis almost 24/7. As a result, I see parallels to living life with scoliosis everywhere. Recently, I picked up the January issue of Real Simple, dedicated to helping create a balanced life. Who doesn’t need more balance? As I read “An Even Keel,” one of those scoliosis parallels occurred to me. The… Read More
In recent weeks, of my adolescent scoliosis patients, three have confirmed cases of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) (siblings and another) and one other has a suspected connective tissue disorder, possibly EDS. With this coincidence, I thought a blog about Ehlers-Danlos accompanied by scoliosis in order. EDS is a fairly rare genetic disorder, classified according to type… Read More
Scoliosis bracing is controversial and will continue to be even though the recently published results of the long awaited trial known as BrAIST concludes that bracing is effective (1). Here’s the overview and a few impressions. The BrAIST study was conducted at multiple scoliosis clinics across the U.S. and Canada and included 242 participants with adolescent… Read More
Adult Reduces Scoliosis with Schroth Method E.G. is a 47-year-old female with a scoliosis diagnosed in adolescence. She was x-rayed on June 8, 2012 at 9:21 AM. E. decided she wanted to find a way to manage scoliosis proactively. She found our website and called. E.’s initial evaluation was in August, 2012. She began Schroth Method instruction… Read More
Scoliosis and Height As you may already know, having scoliosis can affect several aspects of appearance. Even scoliosis and height are related (ex: a worsening curve may cause a loss in height – especially in adulthood). In this blog, we’ll discuss one amazing woman who actually managed to GROW 1.5″ as an adult, in less than… Read More
What an honor to meet Christa Lehnert-Schroth – a spry, sharp woman who is still totally committed to helping others with scoliosis. (Marc had met her on other occasions, but this was my first time!) It is easy to see her life’s work is truly her passion. We discussed many scoliosis related topics including a… Read More