Recently, study results were released from Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children regarding the Boston Brace for scoliosis and its efficacy. Adolescent curves of 25º to 45º at the time the study began were followed over the course of a year. Patients wore braces equipped with heat sensors to measure hours of wear. The results:… Read More

May was a hectic month with many patients in from Florida, Toronto, Montreal, New York, Connecticut and other places from near and far to learn Schroth. I was initially scheduled to be back in Germany this week, but decided against going after the last trip and the uncertainty created by the volcano with my first… Read More

Schroth Scoliosis Outpatient Treatment in the USA On Saturday April 17, 2010, I had the pleasure of presenting my early experiences with Schroth scoliosis outpatient treatment in the US to over one-hundred German professionals interest in the non-surgical treatment of scoliosis.  The presentation was extremely well-received and the crowd asked many questions. There were numerous questions… Read More

In a recent NSF forum, someone queried what a scoliosis patient might do to breathe easier. The Schroth Method breathing exercises for scoliosis can help patients improve respiratory function. In my clinical experience, patients with thoracic curves, whether adolescent or adult, have experienced improved pulmonary function after incorporating Schroth scoliosis exercises into daily life. Last… Read More

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

A Better Quality of Life

“In the three years I have been a scoliosis patient of Dr. Moramarco, he has been the most caring and skilled chiropractor that has treated me for my condition. I have a better quality of life because of his dedication to his patients.” Read More

“Traveled from Columbus, OH to see him!”

Dr. Marc is incredible!! Back in 2015 I was experiencing horrible, chronic pain. He is in Massachusetts, but I traveled from Columbus, OH to see him! I had surgery for my scoliosis and he was very cautious with my hardware, but did everything he could to help me! I wear my back brace every night… Read More