Schroth Workshop in Canada Techniques and programs for health (exercise, fitness, dieting, nutrition) are always evolving. Scoliosis treatment is no different. It was my great pleasure to participate in a Schroth workshop in Toronto, Canada to reinforce my skills, with my good friend Dr. Hans-Rudolf Weiss of Gensingen, Germany. I have known Dr. Weiss since… Read More

No one hates exercise more than I do. It’s a constant struggle. Thank goodness for an occasional sunny day and friends to walk with, or exercise might not happen for me. This morning, an unusually beautiful one for December in New England, I was panting my way around the local track, and for some reason… Read More

At Scoliosis 3DC® when evaluating scoliosis, chest expansion is one measure we use to create a baseline in order to track and monitor progress. This is because respiratory deficits associated with thoracic scoliosis can occur as a secondary response to decreased rib mobility. A maligned thorax in three planes  -sagittal, frontal (coronal) and transverse (rotational)… Read More

We have been involved in Schroth exercise for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis since 2002. The following post summarizes an important study on Schroth exercise that was published a few years back.  This valuable study, entitled, ‘The efficacy of Schroth’s 3-dimensional exercise therapy in the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis in Turkey’ is authored by Saadet Otman,… Read More

Additional sessions on Thursday included a study out of Poland concluding 1/3 of scoliosis patients are underweight with a 3-4% lower BMI than the non-scoliotic population. On Friday, numerous interesting sessions focused on results from studies on exercise and bracing beginning with a couple out of Dr. Negrini’s clinic in Italy. Conclusions were conservative treatment… Read More

Hello from the SOSORT meeting in Barcelona. I am very glad to be here. Barcelona is a city I’ve wanted to visit for ages. I can see there is a lot to fit in between meetings and seeing the city. My intention is to post short updates/synopsis on select presentations that may be of interest… Read More

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Daughter no longer has scoliosis!

“We went in for a new brace and were shocked to be told that she no longer needed to wear the brace. According to the doctor who prepared her x-ray report, there was “no scoliosis”. Yes, that’s right…her curve had improved to the point that she no longer has scoliosis!!”  Read More

Forever Grateful…Amazing Community

“Our family couldn’t say enough positive words to describe our experience and the knowledge of everyone at Scoliosis3DC. This is one of the few examples that I have had the privilege of being a part of in my life where everyone in the office contributes to the excellence of the result.” Read More