We can tell you all day long about the superiority of the Gensingen Brace (GBW), in comparison to all other types of scoliosis braces, including other types of Cheneau braces. As time goes on, we see more and more patients with all types of scoliosis braces, including people who contact us that are dissatisfied with other types… Read More

Our website alludes to the early obstacles we encountered when our daughter was first diagnosed with scoliosis. We took her, immediately, to a group of prominent orthopedic surgeons at a highly regarded Boston hospital. They recommended the SpineCor brace from Ste. Justine’s hospital in Canada – the subject of a recent exposé in Canada. The Spinecor brace… Read More

Scoliosis bracing is controversial and will continue to be even though the recently published results of the long awaited trial known as BrAIST concludes that bracing is effective (1). Here’s the overview and a few impressions. The BrAIST study was conducted at multiple scoliosis clinics across the U.S. and Canada and included 242 participants with adolescent… Read More

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Thrilled with Schroth exercises!

“We were so thrilled by this news! We have been doing the Schroth exercises nightly. O is even more motivated to continue with the exercises in the future now!” Read More

Pain Has Reduced

“After a few months of practice, my lower back pain has reduced, it is really a good news and I am planning my next visit to your office [on my next visit to Massachusetts]” Read More

Major Curve Reduced

“We had the good surprise to find out that the major curve reduced. It is now 17 degrees. She was so happy to see the result of her efforts. So, she continues her exercise routine everyday.” Read More