Here at Scoliosis 3DC® (3DC stands for three-dimensional correction), successful conservative management of scoliosis includes exercises for the sagittal plane. From the onset, our program has integrated sagittal plane exercises on the basis that sagittal plane instability may be a contributing cause of scoliosis. Sagittal plane exercises are used so patients learn to work toward… Read More

When your child is diagnosed with scoliosis, a sense of confusion may set in as you start to research scoliosis treatment alternatives. How should you proceed? Who should you listen to? If the diagnosis is mild, is doing nothing the best strategy? Is a scoliosis brace necessary, and if so, when? Which scoliosis specialist should… Read More

Dr. Moramarco recently traveled to a scoliosis conference in beautiful Istanbul, Turkey. The 1st International Conference on Scoliosis Management was sponsored by the Scoliosis Society of Turkey and attended primarily by conservative-minded European scoliosis practitioners of varying philosophies. Dr. Theodore Grivas of Greece was the conference honoree and we had an enjoyable visit with him and… Read More

Yoga and scoliosis – should scoliosis patients do yoga? Over the years, yoga has been branded as a methodology and popular trend for scoliosis management and treatment. Today, yoga and scoliosis are commonly and positively associated with each other.  At first glance it would make sense that stretching and strengthening could have a positive impact… Read More

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Cosmetic & Breathing Improvements

“He made the sessions enjoyable and I always looked forward to the next session. His ongoing support and determination made me enjoy my treatments and believe that I could really make a difference in my condition.” Read More


“So HAPPY & relieved with the result. [My daughter] is out of the woods, no surgery needed!” Read More

Pain Has Reduced

“After a few months of practice, my lower back pain has reduced, it is really a good news and I am planning my next visit to your office [on my next visit to Massachusetts]” Read More