Result: CH2

  • 10-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angle 26º
  • Risser 0

After originally following the traditional route with her oldest child (CH1) and watching her progress to 50º, this patient’s mom wasn’t taking any chances when her second daughter (CH2) was… Read More

Result: EG

  • 47-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angles 44º/55º
  • Risser 5

Treating scoliosis in adulthood can present a variety of challenges. We discourage adults from expecting to improve scoliosis. That said, our patient EG is an adult diagnosed with scoliosis in… Read More

Result: EK2

  • 11-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angles 16º/26°
  • Risser 0

This young patient’s spine responded almost immediately to her Schroth exercise program and Chêneau-Gensingen brace. Within six months her thoracolumbar Cobb angle had reduced to 13º and her thoracic spine… Read More

Result: TLT

  • 13-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angles 41º/47°
  • Risser 0

This young girl’s AIS diagnosis came very suddenly. Within days she consulted with both an orthopedic surgeon who recommended surgery and with Dr. Marc who recommended a Chêneau-Gensingen brace and… Read More

Result: AL

  • 13-year-old male
  • Initial Cobb angles 12º/11º
  • Risser 0

Here’s a case of very mild scoliosis that would certainly be advised to ‘watch and wait’ anywhere else. However, this boy’s mom has severe scoliosis and she wanted to do… Read More

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Brought Back Hope

“We cannot thank Dr. Moramarco enough for everything he has done for our daughter. In that time, when most orthopedic doctors chose not to believe in Schroth technique, you, Dr. Marc, actually dedicated your life to help scoliosis patients, to improve their health, quality of mind, and life.” Read More

Work Throughout the Day Without Pain

“It really makes a difference with how I feel. I don’t have severe pain or tingling in my right shoulder blade anymore. I can work throughout the day without pain, and I’m sleeping better!” Read More

16 Degree Scoliosis Reduction

Hey Dr. Marc, Me and my mom just went to the hospital and got my out of brace x-ray. My curve went from 38 to 22 degrees and my rotation was like 20 to 9 -YAY! 🙂 Read More